Support Us

The Rockford Aquarium will be a great place to visit. The contributions we receive from our donor community truly do make a tremendous difference in ensuring we are able to actually build the aquarium and to provide the quality, mission-driven experiences our guests will be able to experience at the Aquarium.

Beyond that, we hope to provide education, conservation and research programs that help our community and environment. As a non-profit organization, your support will help us fulfill our mission: to entertain, educate and inspire stewardship about the natural environment, rivers, and oceans.

We rely on the generosity of individuals and corporations to support the amazing programs we will eventually have at the Aquarium. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift today.Every dollar has an impact. Our immediate goal is to raise $300,000 to establish an interactive exhibit and hire a grant writer to help with funding.

We hope that you are excited about our vision of the Rockford Aquarium.

The Rockford Aquarium was formed through a partnership with our community, and we hope to continue this powerful partnership with you for many years to come.

Please make a donation today! Thank you for your support.

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean”.

  – Ryunosuke Satoro

*Checks are accepted to the following adress: PO Box 4146 Rockford, IL 61110

Your Donation
